How Long Does Tyre Sealant Last?
Tyre sealant helps seal up small holes and cracks in your car’s tyres. It usually lasts for several months, but ...
Can I Drive Tubeless Tyre Without Air?
No, you cannot drive a tubeless tyre without air. To drive a tubeless tyre, you need to fill it with ...
Can I Align My Own Tires?
It is best to take your car to a tire shop or mechanic to get your tires aligned. They have ...
What Can Shorten Your Tires Life?
The life of your tires can be shorter if you drive too fast, take sharp turns, have low tire pressure, ...
What Type Of Silica Is Used In Tires?
Silica gel is used in tires to make them more durable and to give them better traction on the road. ...
Does Tyre Sealant Ruin The Tyre?
Tyre sealant is a liquid that helps keep the tyre inflated and prevents air from escaping. It does not ruin ...